
Gaddafi lost control in many areas of the country.

      The situation in Libya. That now seems. Colonel Mo Amman's Libyan leader Gaddafi is in trouble. When the soldiers in the army began defect And protesters can control several cities in the east now. While Libyan and foreign thousands. Deluge continues to leave the country to escape death. Reports indicate that Colonel Gaddafi. Leader wielding the longest in the Arab world is 42 years old lost control of the eastern region. By a group of anti-Gaddafi seized a coastal area adjacent to the eastern border of Egypt from the city to grow    Brooke Beng Legacy. Where they deviate from the military government has joined with the public. It was reported that two soldiers who have been ordered to bombard the south-east town Beng Legacy. Yesterday refused to follow orders to leave the plane fall on the people living without the two pilots who parachute out of the machine safety.      
            The big city atmosphere Brook and Beng Legacy yesterday, protesters came out to congratulate the streets that can be held to be. And suffering to liberation 40 years. However, Gaddafi's government. Confirm that can control the situation. By sending a message back to the Libyan mobile phone. The news source reported that some flows. Now, Colonel Gaddafi. Are fighting hard to secure the West as well as city Tripoli has been reported that people see security forces and foreign mercenaries into the area more. After the decay point protesters burn government building several. While the situation in Tripoli city now. People do not dare out of the house. Because people are afraid that the government's Gaddafi shot dead. For a number of deaths from protesters drove Gaddafi since February 15 organizations monitoring human rights.
         Confirmed that nearly 300 people, but for the right moon Federal ษ international network people. Believe that there are at least 700 people, some flows may be expected that more than 1,000 people.         
         While yesterday's daughter, Aisha Gaddafi Colonel Gaddafi. Appeared on state television to confirm that she did not escape out of the country by the news. By Aisha came out yesterday, gave an interview outside the house in Tripoli city. Previous news agency Al-Jazeera reported that Aisha Singh was on a plane headed to the island malt port. And the sources from the airport. Libyan Arab Airlines denied boarding to the Malta International Airport yesterday, the pilot port to bring it back to Libya. Situation tense now allow both Libyan and foreign thousands of people continue to evacuate outside spokesman for the UN, said the Libyan about 5,000 people fled abroad to Tunisia and another 1,500 people fled to the border. The European Union, China, Egypt, France, India, South Korea and the United States and other countries are accelerating their migration of civilians from Libya. The military transport plane yesterday of Ukraine to their civilian Libya. And Eastern Europe, including 163 people who travel to Kiev and then when Turkish ferry sent to the Turkish workers who arrive to 3000's Mario, and then send. The oil company Repsol of Spain sent the plane to the Spanish people and 131 people including a 3, then the flight to get people to travel in Libya Madrid


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